Friday, January 22, 2010

2010...never late but ALWAYS on time.

2010: Love, Friends, Family, and Money… no particular order.

It’s a New Year, so there are new things to look forward to. I don’t regret ANYTHING from 2009! Made plenty of mistakes, but I've used them as stepping stones and continually try to move on. With everything lost there was SOOOO much gained.

[LOVE] I’m really looking to get a grip on my Love life this year. I think in the past I've tiptoed around the idea of “falling in love”. I know it can’t be forced but I must be more open-minded and willing to give myself a chance to open my heart to someone. I've had the CRAZIEST relationships in the past that I can only shake my head at. I've been a side thing, I've had side-things and I know I was young and naive. With this New Year I’ll seek to be kinder, wiser, and more caring when it comes to both mine and others’ emotions. Now completely done with undergrad I’m meeting so many people outside of my comfort zone and I can already tell that 2010 is going to be something fresh and new for me, and definitely something I need.

[FRIENDS] I am so grateful for all the new friendships I made in 09’. I have THEE most loving, outgoing friends on this earth and I appreciate them for dealing with me and my shenanigans. I love that I can send a message and say “FML”, and have so many of them jump right on and be my superman or superwoman! GOOD friends are hard to come by and I am glad to say that I've trimmed the ones off that weren't helping me grow and be a better person. Yes, in the middle of my blog and I am going to broadcast “BBM SAVES LIVES!!!” My goodness BBM Group Chat has gotten me through rough times, good times, and unexplainable times. Being able to contact my friends at the drop of a dime is important to me…and I love that they’re always there to listen. You know who you are!!!

[FAMILY] My support system: I had to grow up last year. I couldn't be babied by Daddy and Mommy anymore, and that was rough for me. Graduation came and went in .2123 seconds. Just when I thought life would turn into one big party, I was quickly reminded that LIFE was next. I had my 2 months of summer fun and then made the decision to move away from home. My mom was too sad to see me go and my dad applauded my bravery. Now up in Northern Virginia a little over 3 hours away from my family members, I smile when I get my “Good Morning” emails from dad reassuring me that I am on the right track. My mid day BBM’s from mother to ask me how my day is going make me feel like I've never left home. In the past few months my GAM was diagnosed with cancer and when I thought I wouldn't be able to keep it together I received the most touching call from my Nana letting me know that she would be there for my GAM. That’s when I knew I had THEE best family. My father’s mother stuck by my mother’s mother through all of her surgeries and prayed for her every night. I couldn’t ask for a better family, and just the thought of them makes me push THAT much harder every day.

[MONEY] I put it last, because although it is extremely important and necessary to survive…it doesn't make me, and it shouldn't make you either. Without LOVE, FRIENDS, and FAMILY I wouldn't get by….but on a lighter note, I am accepting donations, VEGAS babyyy!!!!!! Lol.
